The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is making its previously developed FDA MyStudies app available to investigators as a free platform to obtain informed consent securely from patients for eligible clinical trials when face-to-face contact is not possible or practical due to COVID-19 control measures.

The app, FDA MyStudies, can now be found as COVID MyStudies in both the Google Play and Apple App stores. In addition to providing a mechanism for securing informed consent from prospective clinical trial participants, the app also gives investigators the option to incorporate branding specific to a clinical trial.

Informed consent can be sent to the patient or an authorized representative, who receives an electronic copy after signing. The investigator can securely access the consent electronically and can also generate a printed copy. All informed consent documents and the process for obtaining consent must still go through institutional review board review and approval.

For more details, please see the press release from the FDA.

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